Picture this: I'm with my toddler at the market, park, coffee shop or library. Hair in a pony tail, day old jeans, my favorite ratty clogs that my best friend hates, t-shirt covered in cracker crumbs, dirt, yogurt, whatever else and someone asks, "What do you do?" Gulp.
Without a stitch of makeup on my face I blush and mumble, "I'm a makeup artist". This, my friends, has happened more than once.
So, having learned to either lie by omission or find five minutes in my morning to make myself presentable I pick the latter (on most days).
Here I share with you my five minute"basic face". When I'm done I feel not only bright, pretty and ready to face the day but ready to face the question, "What do you do?" and answer with a glossy smile.
1. Tinted moisturizer. Stila Sheer Color or Laura Mercier Illuminating T.M. On particularly rosy days I'll work in a drop of Stila Perfecting concealer for added coverage.
2. Eyebrows (shhhh, don't tell). I overtweezed as a youngster despite my mother's warnings. She was right. They don't grow back. I love the Youngblood Brow Set. It has it all in a teeny-tiny package.
3. Blush. If I didn't have to draw on my eyebrows every day I would say that my one must-have product is blush. Most days I use Stila Convertible Color. I have them all and I love them all. But Gerbera is my favorite.
4. Eyeshadow. Light, shimmering, peachy, pinky, or coppery nude from lash to brow. Followed by generous amounts of mascara. MAC Prolash or Stila Glamoureyes are my faves.
5. Lips. More often than not I put my lips on in the car or at the front door on my way out. My current obsessions are Stila Longwear Lip Color in "Outrageous", Lip Glaze in "Tangerine" or Smashbox "Pixel" Lipgloss.